Friday, July 15, 2022


 Hello again, World! 

As I assume you've guessed, I haven't been active in the scrapping, card making, or general crafting community for quite a few years. My family and I have been through a divorce, a move across half the country, a new job that takes all my energy and leaves me no mental clarity for creativity, and more drama then a soap opera that I'll generously spare you from. 

With two growing teenage children, I don't often have much time to sit down for "Me Time". Yet, here I am. I'm enjoying playing with inks, alcohol markers, and pretty papers. I've missed it all and yet, I'm rustier then a Model T Ford in the rain. But like anything, a good challenge can shake that mental dust off..

Power Poppy is offering a month long challenge on their blog, to create a card showcasing Glass. I picked Power Poppy's "Tea in the Garden" set, showcasing my favorite summertime beverage: Lemonade.

I colored the image in with Copics, found some papers from Fancy Pants, and embellished it with some odds and ends pieces of decor items that my Mom bought for me from a nearby scrapstore, keeping everything fresh, light, and fun.

I feel better after starting that challenge and I plan to blog and post when I can, around my busy life schedule, but until then, I'm just happy to be here, playing with my "toys" and feeling grateful.

1 comment:

  1. Amanda it’s lovely to see you creating, and doing things for your own encouragement. Sounds like a very full number of years and I hope lots of healing. Your lemonade design is so lovely and cheerful! I love the fun papers you incorporated. Thanks so much for playing along with The Blossom Challenge!


Thank You For Your Kind Comments And Please Have A Wonderful Day!!